Accuracy of exact drift implementation

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Accuracy of exact drift implementation

Post by nkuklev » 04 Sep 2020, 15:10

Hi Michael,

I was playing around with adding new elements, and noticed that drift tracking results from MAD-X and elegant are different. I initially thought both codes had exact drifts.

However, in csbend.c:

Code: Select all

void exactDrift(double **part, long np, double length)
  long i;
  double *coord;
  for (i=0; i<np; i++) {
    coord = part[i];
    coord[0] += coord[1]*length;
    coord[2] += coord[3]*length;
    coord[4] += length*sqrt(1+sqr(coord[1])+sqr(coord[3]));
This seems to be a rough approximation of the exact solution (2.35, 4.2 of ... 13-248.pdf).
  • Am I correct in interpreting this approximation as beta~1 + expansion in x'/y', suitable for larger rings?
  • Could 'true exact' mode be added? It would be useful for small rings, and benchmarking with other codes. I can give it a shot, but elegant coordinates still scare me hehe.
  • Regardless, can documentation be clarified to indicate these approximations?

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Re: Accuracy of exact drift implementation

Post by michael_borland » 07 Sep 2020, 14:42

I'm pretty sure this is indeed an exact result. The definition of x' is x' = px/pz = vx/vz = dx/dz. Hence, if the drift space has length L, the change in x is just x'*L.

Perhaps you are thining that xp and yp are momenta, which they aren't.


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