how to obtain emittance

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how to obtain emittance

Post by gpark » 25 Jan 2018, 17:26

I am trying to obtain (normalized, geometrical) emittances in 11-turn simulation.

I tried to get them by outputting .sig file where ex ,enx, etc are listed.

(1) Is this the correct emittances of the beam?

(2) There was only one value at each element, although the beam passed by the element 11 times. Is there a good way to obtain the emittances for each turn?

(3) Assuming the values are for the last (11-th) turn, I ran the simulation 11 times, increasing number of pass one by one. Is this correct way to get the emittances for each turn?

(4) I am doubtful, because the emittance of the last element (watchpoint) in the n-1th turn has a different emittance than that of the first element (also watch point) in the n-th turn.

Could you help me to get correct the emittances for each turn, at each element?

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Re: how to obtain emittance

Post by michael_borland » 29 Jan 2018, 12:10

The sigma file is the correct place to get emittances vs s. However, by default, the sigma and centroid files from run_setup contain data that is averaged over all turns. To get turn-by-turn data, set

Code: Select all

in run_setup.


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