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Post by simona.bettoni » 14 Sep 2017, 04:17

Good morning,
I am trying to do some tolerance studies on a linac. I run the simulations using &link_elements and &error_element. The simulations are running and I can extract the (t,p) space for each case. I would like to extract informations also on the slice properties of the beam. I know I could take the distributions and do the analysis by myself, but I saw that there is a command &slice_analysis. I used it, but when I try to extract the data I obtain an empty file. Did I do anything wrong?
I attach the file .ele where the command are given.
Many thanks for any suggestion.
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Re: slice_analysis

Post by michael_borland » 14 Sep 2017, 16:59


Could you be using Pelegant by any chance? If so, slice_analysis doesn't work. It's only available in the serial version.

You could try inserting the SLICE element in your beamline. It works in serial and parallel mode.


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