Momentum aperture fiducialize and soft_failure

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Momentum aperture fiducialize and soft_failure

Post by Minghao » 06 Mar 2024, 16:25

Hi there,

I tried to track the LMA of a storage ring light source lattice including elements "RFCA" and "SREFFECTS". But I'm unsure how to use fiducialize and soft_failure when using "momentum aperture".
Could you please let me know the correct setup of fiducialize and soft_failure? Should we set them both to 0?
I'm also do not understand what soft_failure is, but I found a big difference if we set it to 0 and 1. The result is obviously better if set it to 1. So which situation could we set it to 1? Thank you.


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Re: Momentum aperture fiducialize and soft_failure

Post by michael_borland » 29 Mar 2024, 14:50


Setting fiducialize=1 is recommended if you are performing one-pass momentum aperture in a system with large energy losses or gain. An example is a linac. For storage rings, it should be zero.

soft_failure is used to control what happens when the momentum acceptance is not found one or more points. If it is set to 1, the momentum acceptance will be set to the search limit. I don't recommend it unless the search limit is very low.


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