Laser-slicing on successive turns

Moderators: cyao, michael_borland

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Posts: 46
Joined: 09 Jun 2008, 01:19

Laser-slicing on successive turns

Post by simone.dimitri » 28 Aug 2018, 04:07


I am using LSRMDLTR element for simulating laser-slicing in a ring.
I would like to track particles for few turns, but disabling the LSRMDLTR element every N-turns.
Is there any simple way of doing it?

Thank you in advance,

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Joined: 19 May 2008, 09:33
Location: Argonne National Laboratory

Re: Laser-slicing on successive turns

Post by michael_borland » 04 Sep 2018, 10:04


Unfortunately, I can't think of an easy way to do this. You could use the SCRIPT element, with a script that puts the beam through LSRMDLTR or not depending on the pass number.

Thanks to your question, I'll add a feature to allow this sort of thing using the BRANCH element. Should appear in the next version.


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