intrabeam scattering with IBSCATTER

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intrabeam scattering with IBSCATTER

Post by tiansk » 06 Jul 2018, 23:19

Dear all,
I intend to track the electron bunch in storage ring with IBSCATTER element to simulate the IBS effect. I want to know that:How to bring in coupling(emit_y/emit_x) in the lattice ?I found the element SREFFECTS has a Parameter Name:COUPLING
if I set the COUPLING=0.01,is it that during the particle tracking,the parameter of electron bunch from WATCH element emit_y/emit_x keep 0.01? The attached files was the example I used for IBSCATTER.I think I should get the same result as ... PMA012.PDF
but the variation of the vertical emittance is strange,Is there any way I could do in the example?

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: 16 Mar 2012, 22:01

Re: intrabeam scattering with IBSCATTER

Post by tiansk » 09 Jul 2018, 10:59

Dear all,

The attached file is the result of particle tracking with IBSCATTER and SREFFECTS(COUPLING=0.01),the emittance of y direction is not growing so much! If using the ibsEmittance command,the final emittance_y/emittance_x will be equal with the coupling factor.Should I add some tilt bends or quads in the lattice?

Thanks in advance!

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Joined: 09 Jun 2008, 01:19

Re: intrabeam scattering with IBSCATTER

Post by simone.dimitri » 15 Mar 2019, 02:48

Dear all,
I am asking a very similar question of Tiansk: the agreement of ibsEmittance and tracking results on the horizontal emittance is fine. Instead, tracking does not reproduce the vertical emittance growth predicted by ibsEmittance. I also tried to include coupling sources in the lattice through quad roll errors, without success.
Any help to fix it? I am attaching elegant files and plots.
Thank you in advance,

p.s.: in order to enhance the IBS effect, the bunch charge was made huge, but this does not change the situation.
elettra2 elegant files and plots
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