Problems about RFCA/RFCW element

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Problems about RFCA/RFCW element

Post by sudinghui » 06 Dec 2023, 09:10

I encounter some problems when I try to simulate a bimodal rf cavity with RFCA/RFCW element. I try track the length of bunch in storage ring with a rf cavity that operates two different frequencies (active cavity). As I learned so far, elegant support to define different frequency rf cavities with different length by RFCA element, such as double rf system. If I want to set a bimodal rf cavity, it just like the harmonic cavity and main rf cavity occupy the same one length in storage ring, well, how do I set element parameters?
Thanks for your reply.
Yours, Dinghui

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Re: Problems about RFCA/RFCW element

Post by michael_borland » 19 Dec 2023, 19:42

Can you post an example to help me understand what you are trying?


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