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Energy of different bunches in multi-bunch simulations

Posted: 07 Aug 2023, 19:27

I have a question regarding the multi-bunch simulation.
I ran the simulation with 100 bunches, and use WATCH element to keep track on all distributions.
I also used MALIGN with different PID to offset each bunch with different offset.

I found that the beam energy of all bunches are the same, by using sddsanalyzebeam on each WATCH file.
Did I make mistakes?
Should the beam energy be different for all bunches?

Re: Energy of different bunches in multi-bunch simulations

Posted: 28 Aug 2023, 12:19
by michael_borland

Your file elegant.erl changes the DY values for the misalignment elements, so I would expect to see different vertical centroids for the bunches, which is in fact what's seen. There's nothing that introduces a significant variation in energy between the bunches, since dipole modes have a weak effect on the energy.
