svn problem while running Build-AOP-RPMs.tcl

Moderators: cyao, soliday

Posts: 53
Joined: 30 Jul 2008, 12:36

Re: svn problem while running Build-AOP-RPMs.tcl

Post by ding » 27 May 2014, 18:45

it seems I still miss something. Now the errors are:

oak002:~> elegantRingAnalysis
Error in startup script: invalid command name "APSDebugPath"
while executing
(file "/afs/slac/g/beamphysics/software/Elegant_2014/usr/bin/elegantRingAnalysis" line 157)
oak002:~> elegantRingAnalysis
Error in startup script: can't find package Iwidgets
while executing
"package require Iwidgets"
(procedure "APSTabFrame" line 22)
invoked from within
"APSTabFrame .top -parent .userFrame -tabPosition $tabPosition \
-labelList $topLabelList -frameIndexVariable topIndex \
invoked from within
"set topTabList [APSTabFrame .top -parent .userFrame -tabPosition $tabPosition \
-labelList $topLabelList -frameIndexVariable topInde..."
(file "/afs/slac/g/beamphysics/software/Elegant_2014/usr/bin/elegantRingAnalysis" line 1388)
can you suggest what to do?

Posts: 401
Joined: 28 May 2008, 09:15

Re: svn problem while running Build-AOP-RPMs.tcl

Post by soliday » 28 May 2014, 10:09

You need the Iwidgets Tcl system package. This package also requires the itcl and itk packages. You can get all of these for RHEL 6 at: ... x86_64.rpm ... x86_64.rpm ... noarch.rpm

Posts: 53
Joined: 30 Jul 2008, 12:36

Re: svn problem while running Build-AOP-RPMs.tcl

Post by ding » 28 May 2014, 11:59

thank you so much Bob. now it works!!

Posts: 1
Joined: 28 Oct 2010, 18:57

Re: svn problem while running Build-AOP-RPMs.tcl

Post by mhwang » 03 Jun 2014, 18:17

Hi Bob,

The display for elegantRingAnalysis now works. However when I click the function to execute it would give me error message like:

couldn't execute "ssub": no such file or directory

I look into the path we set that can run elegantRingAnalysis correctly is like:


But the new path

has no bin directory in it.

I try symbolic link /afs/slac/g/beamphysics/software/Elegant_2014/usr/bin to afs/slac/g/beamphysics/software/Elegant_2014/usr/local/oag/apps/bin

But it doesn't work.

So we will need your help to tell us what is the correct path we should set in order to run elegantRingAnalysis correctly.

Thank you for the help!!


Posts: 401
Joined: 28 May 2008, 09:15

Re: svn problem while running Build-AOP-RPMs.tcl

Post by soliday » 04 Jun 2014, 09:51

ssub is sort of specific to our cluster. As far as I understand, it is only executed by elegantRingAnalysis if you have selected the "Use GridEngine?" option. You can get the ssub code from ... .21.tar.gz
It is in the oag/apps/src/utils/sge/ directory. But it requires that you are running GridEngine on your cluster and would probably have to be edited to work with the names of the queues on your cluster.


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