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sddsplot error on Fedora-18 mpl_motif: symbol lookup error

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 15:41
by yjkim
Dear Dr. Borland.

Recently, I installed elegant and SDDS Tool kit on Fedora 18 - 32 bit.
Followings are installed rpm packages:


Their installation was OK.
However, I met a following error whenever I ran sddsplot.

mpl_motif: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _XGetRequest

Therefore, I can not plot any thing with sddsplot now.
Can you give any valuable recommendation to fix this error?

Sincerely yours,

Yujong Kim

Re: sddsplot error on Fedora-18 mpl_motif: symbol lookup err

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 17:09
by soliday
I will setup a 32bit Fedora 18 test system tomorrow to try to identify the problem.

Re: sddsplot error on Fedora-18 mpl_motif: symbol lookup err

Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 14:04
by soliday
Download this file and copy over your version of mpl_motif with this ... .f18.32bit

Then let me know if it works for you.

Re: sddsplot error on Fedora-18 mpl_motif: symbol lookup err

Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 16:46
by yjkim
Dear Dr. Soliday,

I downloaded your new mpl_motif and replaced it with old one.
But I met a following error:

mpl_motif: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Therefore, I made a soft link:
ln -s

After this, I ran sddsplot again.

Now it generates following endless warnings:
sddsplot -col=s,Ss fourDipoleCSR.sig
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback

Even though there are the warnings, now I can see one sddsplot display screen, but I can not use any File menu.
The menu was frozen and does not work.
Therefore, plot saving is impossible now.

Please would you look into it again?

Re: sddsplot error on Fedora-18 mpl_motif: symbol lookup err

Posted: 24 Apr 2013, 09:06
by soliday
Remove the symbolic link you made to is from lesstif and is from motif.
Run "sudo apt-get install motif" to install the missing library.

Re: sddsplot error on Fedora-18 mpl_motif: symbol lookup err

Posted: 24 Apr 2013, 10:09
by yjkim
Dear Dr. Soliday,

Many thanks! It works.
Followings are my steps:

1) I replaced /usr/bin/mpl_motif with your uploaded new version
2) I removed my wrong linked
3) I removed lesstif-mwm with yum remove lesstif-mwm because it conflicts with motif
4) I removed lesstif-clients with yum remove because it conflicts with motif
5) I installed motif with yum install motif

Then, sddsplot works well. Printing and selecting menu are no problem.

Many thanks for your quick action!

Yujong Kim