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Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 13:12
by jtobin
Dear all,
I have been playing with the view3dgeometry that comes with elegant. Have to say...pretty neat...I have some RF cavities in my simulation and when i run the command view3dgeometry with the floor file and showName ''*QUAD* *RF*" it complains that it does not understand *RF*?
Is there a work around for this? Thanks. will be great if i can see my cavities...

Re: view3dgeometry

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 05:35
by petrenko
Dear Charles,
Could you post your lattice file or at least ".flr" and ".param"files?
For me there seems to be no problem with RF cavities.
Please see the attachment for the script (I use it in windows, so I've modified it slightly, therefore there's a chance that I've just removed the problem with my modifications).

Re: view3dgeometry

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 12:45
by jtobin
Dear Alexey,
Thank you for your reply and concern.
The problem I believe is that I am using RFDF element which the view3dgeometry (at least my understanding) does not take into account. I think it should be easy enough to add this given the clear structure of the program. I cross-checked this by changing my RFDF to RFCA and bingo it worked...
For completeness, I am attaching my param and flr files if you like to fix this. Also, typically in elegant we assume the cavity is zero-length (for assumptions to begin quick simulations), I don't know if view3dgeometry takes this into account when plotting.
Thanks again for this superb program....

Re: view3dgeometry

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 02:55
by petrenko
Sure, this script was drawing only RFCA elements.
The solution is simply to change this line of the script:
"if [string match "*RFCA*" $ElementType] {""
"if [string match "*RF*" $ElementType] {""


Re: view3dgeometry

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 11:07
by jtobin