sddsedit requires Tktable 2.11
Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 04:10
Dear all,
sddsedit calls the library libTKtable2.11 which is not available for CENT OS 7 or 8.
Is there an alternative to this package ?
I tried to do a search but the most recent tktable from source is Tktable2.10.
Best regards,
sddsedit calls the library libTKtable2.11 which is not available for CENT OS 7 or 8.
Code: Select all
$ sddsedit
Error in startup script: can't find package Tktable
while executing
"package require Tktable"
invoked from within
"if {[info exists tcl_pkgPath]} {
set tableLib [file join [lindex $tcl_pkgPath 0] Tktable2.11]
if {($tcl_platform(os) == "Lin..."
(file "/usr/bin/sddsedit" line 127)
I tried to do a search but the most recent tktable from source is Tktable2.10.
Best regards,