genetic optimizer installation without sudo

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genetic optimizer installation without sudo

Post by Ingyo_Jeong » 02 Feb 2020, 21:14

Hi, all.

I'm studying the designing storage ring, especially optimize DA with the mogaRing example.

But when I executed the "geneticOptimizer", I encountered following error.

* Error: When I ran the mogaRing example, I encountered following error
[a1095a01@login02 mogaRing]$ geneticOptimizer -input optim1.sdds -reduce 1
invalid command name "sdds"
while executing
(file "/home01/a1095a01/oag/rpm/usr/bin/geneticOptimizer" line 789)

* Suspect:

I'm not the root of the cluster and cannot get permission to use sudo command, so I install the SDDS, elegant, and OAGTcltk with the command, "rpm2cpio ~.rpm |cpio -idv."

SDDS and elegant are installed without any problem and running very well.

But when I install OAGTcltk, I encountered following error;

cpio: /usr/bin/tclsh: Cannot symlink to
`/home01/a1095a01/oag/rpm/usr/bin/oagtclsh': Permission denied
cpio: /usr/bin/wish: Cannot symlink to
`/home01/a1095a01/oag/rpm/usr/bin/oagwish': Permission denied

Without root I could not make symlink of "/usr/bin/tclsh" and "/usr/bin/wish".
So I just copy the "tclsh" and "wish" to /home01/a1095a01/oag/rpm/usr/bin and rename those files as 'oagtclsh' and 'oagwish'.

Then I encountered above error; "invalid command name "sdds""

To solve this problem, would you give me any advice?

Thank you for your reading!


Ingyo Jeong

Posts: 402
Joined: 28 May 2008, 09:15

Re: genetic optimizer installation without sudo

Post by soliday » 03 Feb 2020, 11:16

I think you are going to have to force it to load the file. Try editing geneticOptimizer right after the APSStandardSetup line and add:
load /home01/a1095a01/oag/rpm/usr/lib/sdds/

Posts: 2
Joined: 30 Jan 2020, 09:04

Re: genetic optimizer installation without sudo

Post by Ingyo_Jeong » 04 Feb 2020, 09:38

As you said, I add the new line which loads the library, and then geneticOptimizer works very well.

Thank you!


Ingyo Jeong

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