Search found 23 matches

by Neeraj
17 Jan 2020, 10:10
Forum: Linac Tracking
Topic: Tilting quadrupoles
Replies: 1
Views: 6655

Tilting quadrupoles

Hello Michael, I was wondering if there is a way one can introduce tilts (pitch and yaw) about the axes perpendicular to the magnetic axis of KQUAD? It would have been much easier if it was possible to do it with element parameters in elegant for error studies. (At the moment I am thinking of loadin...
by Neeraj
07 Nov 2019, 12:50
Forum: General
Topic: 3D B field map
Replies: 21
Views: 31891

Re: 3D B field map

Hi Michael, I have a follow up question to this discussion. In our setup, the quadrupoles are close to each other that their fringing fields overlap. In some cases there is a collimator standing too close to the magnet in its fringe. Are these scenarios dealt well in elegant (I am using BMXYZ to imp...
by Neeraj
15 Oct 2018, 09:39
Forum: Optimization and Matching
Topic: Transmission optimization
Replies: 1
Views: 7581

Transmission optimization

Hi Michael, I am optimizing a triplet lattice with permanent magnet quadrupoles for a variable energy transport line. The issue is very low transmission values which is not surprising because optimizing for small spot-size at short focus results in small bores for the magnets. I would like to know i...
by Neeraj
07 Sep 2018, 05:06
Forum: Dynamic Aperture
Topic: How about physics of finding a dynamic aperture?
Replies: 6
Views: 32036

Re: How about physics of finding a dynamic aperture?

Michael, Thanks for the reply. However, I do not completely understand what is going on with my simulations. I have a bunch file that has been filtered with 1 cm cut-off in spatial co-ordinates and 0.5 in the slope. So now the particles should not be lost because of the co-ordinate limits of the ele...
by Neeraj
03 Sep 2018, 13:51
Forum: Dynamic Aperture
Topic: How about physics of finding a dynamic aperture?
Replies: 6
Views: 32036

Re: How about physics of finding a dynamic aperture?

Michael, It appears that particles are lost even when there is no limiting aperture in the KQUAD elements. I am tracking a bunched_beam with sampled parameters from a realistic beam. Increasing the N_KICKS reduces the number of lost particles considerably, for instance 316/1000 are lost with N_KICKS...
by Neeraj
30 Jul 2018, 06:12
Forum: General
Topic: density plot
Replies: 7
Views: 10935

Re: density plot

Michael, Thanks for the answer. But I think my question was misunderstood. I did not mean the way we plot it usually by overlaying the magnets as 'blocks', which indicates only their length and placement. I was referring to the article in my first post, where in Fig. 3 and Fig. 5 the magnets are als...
by Neeraj
27 Jul 2018, 04:08
Forum: General
Topic: density plot
Replies: 7
Views: 10935

Re: density plot

Referring to the same figures in the article, I would like to show the magnets as they have; overlay them with position in z and the (scaled) bore-diameter. Is there a way to do this in elegant? I could settle also with a usual 1 sigma envelop plot. This would help to visualize the beam-loss positio...
by Neeraj
18 Jul 2018, 06:04
Forum: General
Topic: density plot
Replies: 7
Views: 10935

Re: density plot

Thanks a lot Michael.
by Neeraj
17 Jul 2018, 07:26
Forum: General
Topic: density plot
Replies: 7
Views: 10935

density plot

Hi Michael,

Is there a way in elegent+sddstools to produce plots such as Fig.3 and Fig. 5 (particle density plots visualizing rays) in this paper? ... .16.041302

by Neeraj
04 Jul 2018, 10:05
Forum: General
Topic: view3DGeometry help.
Replies: 1
Views: 6342

view3DGeometry help.

When I run, ./view3dGeometry -rootname 0.47383208735214516.flr I get the error: invalid command name "APSStandardSetup" while executing "APSStandardSetup" (file "./view3dGeometry" line 8) I know that APSStandardSetup is found in .../x86_64/elegant/34.2.0/share/tcltk/oagtcltk/ while OAG_TOP_DIR is .....