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Argonne Beams & Applications Seminar

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SASE-FEL experiments at the TESLA Test Facility Linac

Pedro Castro, DESY


In summer last year, a 14 meter long undulator was installed in the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) Linac. In February, the first experimental evidence for SASE was observed at a wavelength of 109 nm. Afterwards, SASE gain was observed at a range of wavelengths between 80 and 180 nm, demonstrating the tunability of this type of radiation facility. After a brief introduction to the TESLA Linear Collider project, the main parameters and components of the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) Linac will be presented. The experimental results on SASE will be discussed and compared with the theoretical expectations. At the end, the next steps for new FEL experiments will be shown.

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of EnergyOffice of Basic Energy Sciences - Department of Energy
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