


October 7, 2002


Dear Potential Vendor,

Mark your calendar for the 12th Advanced Photon Source Users Meeting! The meeting dates have been set for April 29--May 1, 2003. The three-day (Tuesday--Thursday) meeting will be held once again in the APS Conference Center here at Argonne National Laboratory. The set-up day for exhibitors will be Monday, April 28.

For the first time ever, vendor registration for the APS Users Meeting will be Web based! Vendor registration materials and meeting-related information will be posted on the Web at www.aps.anl.gov/conferences/12um. Please remember that space is assigned on a first-registered, first-served basis; plan to reserve your table(s) early. If you wish to have this first announcement sent to someone other than yourself, please notify me via e-mail of the preferred contact person at vendor@aps.anl.gov.

I'm looking forward to working with you in 2003!

Best regards,

Connie Vanni
Exhibits Coordinator



