Mark Schlossman

Mark Schlossman
  • Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Chicago. Courtesy appointments in the Department of Chemistry and Department of Chemical Engineering.


  • Ph.D. in Physics from Cornell Universitay.
  • Started to use x-ray scattering in 1987 to study soft interfaces as a post-doc with Peter Pershan, Harvard University.
  • Four years as a staff member at the University of Chicago (CARS) that included the rebuilding of beamline X19C (NSLS) for use in liquid surface scattering experiments.
  • Member/developer of ChemMatCARS since 1990.
  • Joined UIC in 1994.


  • PRT Spokesperson, beamline X19C (NSLS) since 1999.
  • Executive Committee, CARS Board of Governors.
  • Teaching and supervising undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs.


  • Research interests center around the study of phenomena at liquid surfaces and interfaces. These include molecular ordering and phase transitions at liquid-liquid interfaces, the study of thin aqueous films on aqueous subphases, and the ordering of membrane proteins in lipid layers. Much of this experimental work uses synchrotron x-ray scattering.