Malcolm Capel

  • Technical Associate Director for North Eastern CAT
  • Sr. Senior Research Associate, Dept. Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Cornell University


  • Research Scientist, Whitehead Institute, MIT, 1999-2001.
  • Biophysicist, Biology Dept. Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1985,1999.
  • Post-doctoral Fellow, Dept. Molecular Biophysica & Biochemistry, Yale University, 1982-1985.
  • Ph.D. Biochemistry. U. of Arizona, 1982.
  • B.S. Cell & Developmental Biology, U. of Arizona, 1978.


  • Organizer: NSLS Workshop on Detector Development for Crystallography (1997)
  • Program Committee : XI International SAS Conference at BNL (1999)
  • Professional Societies: American crystallographic Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Organizer: BNL conference Open Source/Open Science 1999.


  • Small-angle solution scattering
  • Macromolecular Crystallography
  • Beamline Control systems software Development
  • Data Reduction Software development for small
  • Angle diffraction.