Poster Sessions

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Poster sessions will be held in the Riverside Center on the Exhibition Hall Level, which is directly below the Columbus Rooms.

Posters are split into eight sessions and will take place each morning (08:30-12:20) and afternoon (13:30-17:20) except during the opening and closing plenary sessions on Monday morning and Friday afternoon. Every poster is assigned a code with a 4-letter prefix followed by a 3-digit sequence number. The first letter indicates the day [M,T,W,R,F]; the second letter, P, indicates Poster presentation; the third letter indicates morning or afternoon session [A,P]; and the fourth letter indicates location [H=Exhibition Hall].

Each poster is presented on a 4-ft-high by 8-ft-wide cork board mounted on 3-ft-long legs. Poster session managers are available in the poster room to assist presenters with mounting their posters. Posters are mounted during the half hour preceding the designated session:

      Morning     Afternoon
Setup:      08:00-08:30     13:00-13:30
Presentation:     08:30-12:00     13:30-17:00
Take Down:     12:00-12:20     17:00-17:20

To ensure publication, presenter attendance is required during the following time periods:

      Morning     Afternoon
Odd-numbered posters:     08:30-10:00     13:30-15:00
Even-numbered posters:     09:30-11:00     14:30-16:00

Please remove posters immediately at the end of the session.

The poster sessions are shown below. To view a list of all the posters in each session, go to the Publication Office's Search/Browse page, scroll down to the selection box at the bottom of the page, select the session you want (all poster sessions end in the letter 'H'), and click the 'Submit' button

Session MPPH:
RF and Accelerator Controls

Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
Room Temperature RF
Superconducting RF
RF Power Sources

Session TPAH:
Accelerator Technology

Feedback Systems (including Beam)
Subsystems, Technology and Components, Other
Beam Diagnostic Instrumentation 2
Beam Injection/Extraction, Transport and Targetry
Alignment and Survey

Session TPPH:
Beam Dynamics and Instabilities

Linear and Nonlinear Orbit Theory
Beam-Beam Interaction
Transverse and Longitudinal Instabilities and Cures
Beam Dynamics, Other

Session WPAH:
Sources, Vacuum and Instrumentation

Particle Sources (including Polarized Sources)
Vacuum Technology
RF Guns and Linac Injectors
Beam Diagnostics Instrumentation

Session WPPH:
Accelerator Facilities and Applications

Insertion Devices
Synchrotron Radiation Facilities
Accelerators for Medical Therapy
Energy Production and Environmental Applications
Industrial Applications of Accelerators
Applications of Accelerators, Other
Electrostatic Accelerators
Low- and Medium-Energy Circular Accelerators
Free-Electron Lasers
Radiation Monitoring and Safety

Session RPAH:
High-Current and Energy Accelerators

High-Current Dynamics
High-Energy Hadron Accelerators and Colliders
Computer Codes (Design, Simulation, Field Calculation)

Session RPPH:
Magnets and Accelerators

Room Temperature Magnets
Accelerators and Storage Rings, Other
High-Intensity Accelerators
Pulsed Power Accelerators
Superconducting Magnets
Electron Storage Rings and Circular Accelerators

Session FPAH:
Linac, Acceleration and Beam Cooling

Power Supplies
Pulsed Power Technology
Electron Linear Colliders
Linear Accelerators
Beam Cooling
New Acceleration Techniques