Invited and Contributed Oral Speakers

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Session MOAL:
Opening Plenary (PLENOPEN)





Session MOPA:
High Energy Hadron Accelerators and Colliders (HEHAC)



Beam Lifetime an Emittance Growth Measurements of Gold Beams in RHIC at Storage
W. Fischer, BNL

Commissioning and Future Plans for Polarized Protons in RHIC
W. MacKay, BNL

Status of the Fermilab Main Injector
K. Koba, FNAL

The Fermilab Recycler Ring



Intra-Beam Scattering Scaling for Very Large Hadron Colliders
J. Wei, BNL

Skew-Quadrupole Focusing Lattices and Their Applications
B. Parker, BNL

Electron Cooling for RHIC
I. Ben-Zvi, BNL

Recent Beam Study Results of POP FFAG Proton Synchrotron
M. Yoshimoto, KEK

Session MOPB:
Sources and Injectors (SAI)



Progress in the Operation of a High Intensity EBIS at BNL
J. Alessi, BNL

Design of the Extraction System and Beamline of the Superconducting ECR Ion Source VENUS
M. Leitner, LBNL

Progress with the SNS Front-End Systems
R. Keller, LBNL

Progress in Flat Electron Beam Production
D. Edwards, FNAL



Emittance Measurements at the TTF Photoinjector
S. Schreiber, DESY

Commissioning of the Neptune Photoinjector
S. Anderson, UCLA

Superconducting RF Injector for High-Power Free-Electron Lasers (FEL)
H. Bluem, AES

A High Power and High Repetition Rate Modelocked Ti-Sapphire Drive Laser for Photoinjectors
M. Poelker, TJNAF

Session MOPC:
Advanced Concepts (ADCON)



Progress of the Laser Driven Electron Accelerator Project at Stanford University
T. Plettner, Stanford University

Parameter Optimizations for Vacuum Laser Acceleration at ATF/BNL
V. Yakimenko, BNL

Transformer Ratio Enhancement Using a Ramped Bunch Train in a Collinear Wakefield Accelerator
J. G. Power, ANL

Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Gas Ionization by Short Intense Laser Pulses
D. Bruhwiler, Tech-X Corporation



Experimental Investigation of the Positron Plasma Wakefield Accelerator
M. Hogan, SLAC

Ultra High-Gradient Energy Loss by a Pulsed Electron Beam in a Plasma
N. Barov, FNAL

Gamma-Neutron Activation Experiments Using Laser Wakefield Accelerators
W. Leemans, LBNL

Optical Guiding of Short Intense Laser Pulses in Plasmas for GeV Electron Acceleration
P. Sprangle, NRL

Session TOAA:
Multi-Particle Beam Dynamics (MBD)



Intra-Beam Dynamics in Quantum Dominated Beams
A. Kabel, SLAC

Emittance Exchange without Wedges
J. S. Berg, BNL

Crossing Angle in CLIC
F. Zimmermann, CERN

Computational Investigation of Dissipation and Reversibility of Space-Charge Driven Processes in Beams
R. Kishek, University of Maryland



Recent Experiments on the Effect of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on the Electron Beam of CTF II
L. Groening, CERN

On the Mechanism of Surface Roughness Wake Field Excitation
S. Ratschow, Technische U. Darmstadt

Measurements of Halo Generation for a Proton Beam in a FODO Channel
P. Colestock, LANL

High Average Current Effects in Energy Recovery Linacs
L. Merminga, TJNAF

Session TOAB:
Magnets (MAG)



Final Prototypes, First Pre-Series Units and Steps Towards Series Production of the LHC Main Dipoles
M. Modena, CERN

The Commissioning of the LHC Test String 2
R. Saban, CERN

Currents in, Forces on and Deformations/Displacements of the LHC Beam Screen Expected during a Magnet Quench
C. Rathjen, CERN

Fermilab Electron Cooling Project: Field Measurements in the Cooling Section Solenoid
A. Shemyakin, FNAL



Fabrication and Test Results of a High Field, Nb3Sn Superconducting Racetrack Dipole Magnet
S. Gourlay, LBNL

Towards Fast-Pulsed Superconducting Synchrotron Magnets
G. Moritz, GSI

Technology Development for React and Wind Common Coil Magnets
J. Escallier, BNL

Adjustable Permanent Quadrupoles for the Next Linear Collider
J. Volk, FNAL

Session TOPA:
Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers (LSAFEL)



Commissioning of the Swiss Light Source
A. Streun, PSI

The DIAMOND Project: An Advanced Light Source for the UK
M. Poole, Daresbury Laboratory

The Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) as a Driver for X-ray Producing Insertion Devices
I. Bazarov, Cornell University

A Superconductive Small Period Undulator: Concept and Test Result
R. Rossmanith, FZK



High-Gain Harmonic Generation Free-Electron Laser at Saturation
T. Shaftan, BNL

A 10 kW IRFEL Design for Jefferson Lab
S. Benson, TJNAF

Prospects for a 4th Generation Light Source for the UK
J. Clarke, Daresbury Laboratory

Design and Manufacture of a Prototype Undulator for the LCLS Project
E. Moog, ANL

Session TOPB:
Controls and Computing (CONCOM)



Comparison of Linac Simulation Codes
S. Nath, LANL

Multiturn Simulation of Coherent Betatron Resonance with Space Charge
M. D'yachkov, TRIUMF

Solving by Parallel Computation the Poisson Problem for High Intensity Beams in Accelerators
A. Luccio, BNL

Calculating Trapped Modes in Accelerating Cavities with Time and Frequency Domain Methods
T. Weiland, Darmstadt University of Technology



Control System Segmentation
K. White, TJNAF

Finite State Machine Implementation to Automate RF Operation at the TESLA Test Facility
V. Ayvazyan, DESY

New X-Ray BPM Data Acquisition System for the APS
F. Lenkszus, ANL

Commissioning of the SLS Using CORBA based Beam Dynamics Applications
M. Boege, PSI

Session WOAA:
Special Session (SPECS)





Session WOAA:
Pulsed Power and High Intensity Beams (PPHIB)


Performance Optimization and the Path Towards a 2 MW Spallation Neutron Source
A. V. Aleksandrov, BNL

The Present Status of the JAERI/KEK Joint Project for High Intensity Proton Accelerators
Y. Yamazaki, KEK


Beam-Target Interaction Experiments for Multipulse Bremsstrahlung Converters Applications
S. Sampayan, LLNL

Beam Dynamics Experiments in Support of Relativistic Klystrons
T. Houck, LLNL

Session WOAB:
Lepton Accelerator and Colliders (LEAC)


Measurements of the Beam-Beam Interaction at PEP-II
J. Seeman, SLAC

Beam-Beam Simulations for PEP-II
I. Reichel, SLAC

Effect on Luminosity from Bunch-to-Bunch Orbit Displacements at CESR
D. Sagan, Cornell University

A Comparison of Synchrotron Radiation Background Measurements with Simulation in the CESR/CLEO Interaction Region
S. Henderson, Cornell University

Status Report on DAFNE
S. Guiducci, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

Electron-Positron Collisions at 209 GeV in LEP
M. Lamont, CERN




Parameters for Low Energy Operation of CESR
D. Rice, Cornell University

Two-Beam Interference of Long Wavelength Synchrotron Radiation
G.L. Carr, BNL

Session WOPA:
Instabilities and Feedback (INSTAFB)



Strategy for Achieving True Submicron rms Orbit Stabilization at the Advanced Photon Source
G. Decker, ANL

Excitation of a Transverse Quadrupole-Mode Oscillation of a Bunch by Means of a High-Frequency Quadrupole Magnet
S. Sakanaka, KEK

Fast Digital Orbit Feedback Systems at NSLS
B. Podobedov, BNL

Frequency Resolved Measurement of Longitudinal Impedances Using Transient Beam Diagnostics
D. Teytelman, SLAC

Session WOPA:
Linear Colliders (LINCOL)



An Overview of the New CLIC Test Facility (CTF3)
R. Corsini for the CTF3 Study Team, CERN

JLC R&D Status
Y. H. Chin, KEK

Transverse Wakefields from Tapered Collimators: Measurements and Analysis
P. Tenenbaum, SLAC

Recent Results from the Tesla Test Facility (TTF)
M. Huening, III Phys Inst RWTH Aachen

Session WOPB:
Single Particle Beam Dynamics and Optics (SPBDO)



Understanding the Dynamic Momentum Aperture of the Advanced Light Source
C. Steier, LBNL

Measurement of Resonance Driving Terms at the CERN SPS Using Turn-by-Turn Data from Beam Position Monitors
F. Schmidt, CERN

Pbar Deceleration in the MI
C. Bhat, for Main Injector Department, FNAL

Nonlinear Beam Dynamics at DAFNE
C. Vaccarezza, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare



Magnetic Field Expansion for Particle Tracking in a Bent-Solenoid Focusing Channel
C. Wang, ANL

Symplectic Models for General Insertion Devices

Frequency and Diffusion Maps for the SNS Accumulator Ring
Y. Papaphilippou, BNL

Beam Dynamics for a Photoinjected Energy Recovery Linac at the NSLS
J. Murphy, BNL

Session ROAA:
Radio Frequency Systems (RFSYS)



Processing Studies of X-Band Accelerator Structures at the NLCTA
C. Adolphsen, SLAC

Measurements on the First LHC Acceleration Module
E. Chiaveri, CERN

Superconducting Prototype Cavities for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Project
P. Kneisel, TJNAF

Progress in the Development of SRF Cavity Tuners Based on Magnetic Smart Materials
C. Joshi, Energen, Inc.



High-Gradient Normal-Conducting RF Structures for Muon Cooling Channels
J. Corlett, LBNL

Excess RF Power Required for RF Control of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Linac, a Pulsed High-Intensity Superconducting Proton Accelerator
M. Lynch, LANL

Singly-Charged Heavy-Ion Beam Studies on a 12 MHz RFQ
M. Kelly, ANL

The Design, Fabrication, and RF Measurements of the X-Band Photonic Band Gap (PBG) Constant Impedance Accelerating Structure
D. Palmer, SLAC

Session ROAB:
Instrumentation (INSTR)



Instrumentation for the Muon Based Neutrino Source
J. Norem, ANL

Beam-Profile Instrumentation for Beam-Halo Measurement: Overall Description and Operation
J. D. Gilpatrick, LANL

A Non-Invasive Single-Bunch Matching and Emittance Monitor for the CERN PS based on Quadrupole Pick-Ups
A. Jansson, CERN

The Measurement of Q' and Q'' in the CERN-SPS by Head-Tail Phase Shift Analysis
R. Jones, CERN



The Next Generation of Photon Beam Position Monitors for Undulator Beamlines
A. Galimberti, Sincrotrone Trieste

Beam-Size Measurements on PEP-II Using Synchrotron-Light Interferometry
A. Fisher, SLAC

Investigations of Electron-Beam Microbunching and Beam Coalignment Using CTR in a High-Gain SASE FEL
A. Lumpkin, ANL

Online Measurement and Tuning of Multi-Pass Recirculation Time in the CEBAF Linac
M. Tiefenback, TJNAF

Session ROPA:
Low- and Medium-Energy Accelerators and Rings (LAMEAR)



Commissioning of the REX-ISOLDE Linac
O. Kester, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen

Planned New Cooler/Storage Ring Complex for Radioactive Beams and Antiprotons at GSI
F. Nolden, GSI

A Procedure to Set Phase and Amplitude of the RF in the SNS Linac's Superconducting Cavities
L. Young, LANL

The Design of the SNS Ring and Transport System
W.T. Weng, BNL



First Operating Experience with the CERN Decelerating RFQ for Antiprotons
W. Pirkl, CERN

Multi-Beam Acceleration in FFAG Synchrotron
Y. Mori, KEK

Characterization of the Proton Beam from the 6.7 MeV LEDA RFQ
M. Schulze, General Atomics

Summary of the Fermilab Proton Driver Design Study
W. Chou, FNAL

Session ROPB:
Accelerator Technology (ACTECH)



Vacuum System of the APS: Operation Experience and Status Report
E. Trakhtenberg, ANL

Dramatic Reduction of DC Field Emission from Large Area Electrodes by Plasma-Source Ion Implantation
C. Sinclair, TJNAF

Beam Tube Vacuum in the Very Large Hadron Colliders
M. Pivi, LBNL

The Interconnections of the LHC Cryomagnets
J.-P. Tock, CERN



Dynamics of Liquid Metal Jets Penetrating a Strong Magnetic Field
A. Hassanein, ANL

Calculations for a Mercury Jet Target in a Solenoid Magnet Capture System
S. Kahn, BNL

Environment, Safety, and Health Considerations for New Accelerators at Fermilab
J. D. Cossairt, FNAL

LHC Inner Triplet Powering Strategy
F. Bordry, CERN

Session FOAA:
Applications of Accelerators (APAC)



Successful High Power Test on a Proton Linac Booster (LIBO) Prototype for Hadrontherapy
M. Weiss, TERA Foundation

Progress on the Midwest Proton Radiation Institute at Indiana University
D. Friesel, Indiana University

Beam Commissioning of New Proton Therapy System of University of Tsukuba
M. Umezawa, Hitachi, Ltd.

Two Beam Proton Accelerator for Neutron Generators and Electronuclear Industry
G. Dolbilov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research



Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Sources for Lithography based on Synchrotron Radiation
R. Rossmanith, FZK

Performance of High Intensity G-Rays Source (HIgS) Driven by the Duke Storage Ring FEL
V. Litvinenko, Duke University

A Low Cost and High Efficient Facility for Removal of SO2 and NOx in the Flue Gas from Coal Fired Power Plant
Y. Ji Pei, National Synchrotron Radiation Lab

Compact 200-keV Electron Beam Systems
V. Pirozhenko, BioSterile Technology, Inc.

Session FOAB:
Two-Stream Instabilities and Collective Processes (TSICP)



Experiment on Measuring the Photoelectron Cloud at BEPC
Z. Guo, Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing

Electron-Cloud Measurements and Simulations for the APS
M. Furman, LBNL

Electron Cloud Effects in the CERN PS
E. Metral, CERN

The SPS as a Vacuum Test Bench for Electron Cloud Studies with LHC Type Beams
J. M. Jimenez, CERN



New Results for the Electron-Cloud Effect at the PEP-II Positron Ring
Y. Cai, SLAC

3D Simulation of Photoelectron Cloud Instability
W. Lanfa, KEK

On Bunched Beam Transverse Electron-Proton Instability
T.-S. Wang, LANL

Simulation Results for the Electron-Cloud Effect at the PSR
M. Pivi, LBNL

Session FOAC:
Extreme Beams (EXTBEAM)



The Photoinjector Option for CLIC: Past Experiments and Future Developments
H. Trautner, CERN

Generation of Attosecond Electron Bunches
A. Zholents, LBNL

Initial Experiments of RF Gas Plasma Source for Heavy Ion Fusion
L. Ahle, LLNL

Drift Compression of Space Charge Dominated Beams
M. De Hoon, LBNL

Session FOAC:
Secondary Beam Factories (SECBEAM)



Feasibility Study of a Combined Neutron Centre for European Research and Technology
A. Mosnier, CE Saclay

Particle Production and Radiation Environment at a Neutrino Factory Target Station
N. V. Mokhov, FNAL

Studies of the Front End of a Neutrino Factory
W. Fawley, LBNL

Muon Phase-Rotation Using an Induction Linac
L. Reginato, LBNL

Session FOPL:
Closing Plenary (PLENCLOS)


