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Yanglai Cho ANL/ORNL yc@aps.anl.gov or choy@sns.gov Conference Chair
Gerald Jackson FNAL gpj@fnal.gov Program Chair
Joan Brunsvold ANL jbrunsvold@anl.gov Conference Services
Joanne Day ANL jsd@aps.anl.gov Finance
Jeffrey Dooling ANL jcdooling@anl.gov Lab Tour Coordinator
Catherine Eyberger ANL cee@aps.anl.gov Conference Coordinator
Richard Fenner ANL fenner@aps.anl.gov Graphics & A/V
Efim Gluskin ANL gluskin@aps.anl.gov Special Program
Kelly Jaje ANL jaje@aps.anl.gov Satellite Meetings
Peter Lucas FNAL lucas@fnal.gov Proceedings
William McDowell ANL wpm@aps.anl.gov Computing
Gerald McMichael ANL mcmichael@anl.gov Special Projects
Jerry Nolen ANL nolen@anl.gov Companion Program
Richard Pardo ANL pardo@anlphy.phy.anl.gov Scientific Secretary
Susan Picologlou ANL spicolo@aps.anl.gov Industrial Exhibits
Marcia Wood ANL wood@aps.anl.gov Database

Questions about the Conference should be directed to: pac2001@aps.anl.gov

Last updated: October 18, 2000