Invited Speakers

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Opening Plenary (PLENOPEN)

RHIC Commissioning and First Results
S. Ozaki, BNL

B-Factory Commissioning and First Results
S. Kurokawa, KEK

New Developments on Free-Electron Lasers Based on Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission
J. Rossbach, DESY

The Spallation Neutron Source: A Powerful Tool for Materials Research
T.E. Mason, ORNL

High Energy Hadron Accelerators and Colliders (HEHAC)

Luminosity Upgrades for the Tevatron Collider
S. Mishra, FNAL

Status and Challenges of the LHC Construction
R. Ostojic, CERN

VLHC--The Farthest Energy Frontier
W. Barletta, LBNL

Accelerator Physics Issues for Future Electron-Ion Colliders
S. Peggs, BNL

Sources and Injectors (SAI)

Review of Polarized H+/- and D+/- Ion Source Technology
T. Clegg, TUNL

Efficient Ion Sources for Radioactive Ion Beam Generation
G. Alton, ORNL

Ion Sources for High Resolution Nanofabrication and Lithography
J. Melngailis, University of Maryland

Progress and Future Directions in Brightness Electron Sources
X.J. Wang, BNL

Advanced Concepts (ADCON)

Monitoring and Manipulation of Sub-Picosecond Beams
J. Rosenzweig, UCLA

First Demonstration of Staged Laser Acceleration
W. Kimura, STI Optronics

New Developments in Laser Acceleration of Beams
D. Umstadter, University of Michigan

Status of the Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
P. Muggli, USC

Multi-Particle Beam Dynamics (MBD)

Muon Capture and Cooling Dynamics, Propagation in Solenoidal Channels
G. Penn, LBNL

Extremely Cooled Ion Beams in the ESR with Evidence of Ordering
M. Steck, GSI

Beam-Beam Compensation in Tevatron: Status Report
V. Shiltsev, FNAL

The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)
P. O'Shea, University of Maryland

Magnets (MAG)

Very High Gradient Quadrupoles
J. Strait, FNAL

Superconducting Final Focusing System for KEKB
K. Tsuchiya, KEK

Advanced Magnet R&D for Future Colliders
G. Sabbi, LBNL

Superconducting Materials and Applications (High and Low Temperature)
L. Cooley, University of Wisconsin

Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers (LSAFEL)

The Frontier of Ultrashort Pulse Techniques: Probing the Quantum Limit of Rapidity
S. Chattopadhyay, LBNL

Overview of New Light Sources
M. de Jong, CLS Saskatoon

Measurements of Exponential Gain and Saturation of SASE at the APS LEUTL
S. Milton, ANL

Issues and R&D Critical to the LCLS
P. Emma, SLAC

Controls and Computing (CONCOM)

How to Commission, Operate and Maintain a Large Future Accelerator Complex from Far Remote Sites
F. Willeke, DESY

Parallel Computations of Wakefield Effects in Linear Colliders and Storage Rings

EPICS: Recent Applications and Future Directions
L. Dalesio, LANL

High Reliability Computing for Control and Safety Systems
W. Goble, Moore Computing

Special Session

The Free-Electron Laser Collective Instability and the Development of X-ray SASE-FELs
C. Pellegrini, University of California-Los Angeles

New Diagnostics and Cures for Coupled-Bunch Instabilities
S. Prabhakar, Stanford University

Higher Luminosity B-Factories
J. Seeman, SLAC

Operations of the LEDA Resonantly-Coupled RFQ
L. Young, LANL

Pulsed Power and High Intensity Beams (PPHIB)

Progress in Heavy Ion Driven Inertial Fusion Energy: From Scaled Experiments to the Integrated Research Experiment
J. Barnard, LLNL

Status of the DARHT Phase 2 Long-Pulse Accelerator
M. Burns, LANL

Lepton Accelerators and Colliders (LEAC)

Beam Dynamics in High Luminosity e+e- Factories
J. Rogers, Cornell University

Status of Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider R&D
M. Zisman, LBNL

Ground Motion and Vibration Issues for Accelerators
A. Seryi, SLAC

Prospects for Multi-TeV Two-Beam Linear Colliders
R. Ruth, SLAC

Instabilities and Feedback (INSTAFB)

Harmonic Cavities and Longitudinal Beam Stability in Electron Storage Rings
J. Byrd, LBNL

Methods of Observing the Microwave Instability Above and Below Transition
E. Shaposhnikova, CERN

Linear Colliders (LINCOL)

Highlights from the TESLA Technical Design Proposal
O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay

Overview of the X-Band R&D Program
T. Raubenheimer, SLAC

Single Particle Beam Dynamics and Optics (SPBDO)

Collimation Optimization in High Energy Rings
N. Catalan-Lasheras, BNL

Beam-Based Nonlinear Corrections in Storage Rings: Review and Potential Applications for LHC Commissioning
O. Bruning, CERN

Expected Beam Performance of the SNS Linac
J. Stovall, LANL

Magnet Fringe Fields, Nonlinear Effects, and Compensation in Large Acceptance Rings
K. Makino, Michigan State University

Radio Frequency Systems (RFSYS)

Superconducting RF, Toward Low Frequency and Other New Directions
H. Padamsee, Cornell University

Achieving Phase and Amplitude Stability in Pulsed Superconducting Cavities
S. Simrock, DESY

RF System for the SNS Accumulator Ring
M. Blaskiewicz, BNL

RF Structures for Linear Acceleration of Radioactive Beams
R. Eichhorn, GSI

Instrumentation (INSTR)

SNS Beam Instrumentation and Challenges
T. Shea, BNL

Methods and Instrumentation for Bunch Shape Measurements
A. Feschenko, INR

Electro-Optic Beam Position and Pulsed Power Monitors for the Second Axis of DARHT
M. Brubaker, LANL

Operational Experience with X-ray Beam Position Monitors at the Advanced Photon Source
O. Singh, ANL

Low & Medium-Energy Accelerators & Rings (LAMEAR)

Completion and Operation of ISAC-I and Extension to ISAC-II
R. Laxdal, TRIUMF

The US RIA Project
G. Savard, ANL

RIKEN RI Beam Factory Project: Progress Report
Y. Yano, RIKEN

Commissioning and Operation of the Antiproton Decelerator at CERN
S. Maury, CERN

Accelerator Technology (ACTECH)

Vacuum Performance and Beam Lifetimes at the PEP-II B-Factory
H.-U. Wienands, SLAC

Extreme High Vacuum Technology for Particle Accelerators
C. Benvenuti, CERN

Tunneling Issues at Future Machines
G. Foster, FNAL

The SNS Cryogenic System
C. Rode, TJNAF

Applications of Accelerators (APAC)

Space Radiation Effects with Protons and Heavy Ions - Ground-Based Measurements

The Microwave Electron Linac in the Treatment of Cancer
J. Ford, Varian Medical Systems

Low Energy Spin Polarized Radioactive Nuclei: A New Instrument for Condensed Matter Research
R. Kiefl, TRIUMF

Industrial Applications of Ion Implantation for Doping and Modification of Semiconductor Materials
J. Poate, Axcelis Technologies, Inc.

Two-Stream Instabilities and Collective Processes (TSICP)

The Electron Cloud Instability: Summary of Measurements and Understanding
F. Zimmermann, CERN

Survey of Recent Results on Electron Cloud Effects in Photon Machines
K. Harkay, ANL

Electron-Proton Two-Stream Instability at the PSR
R. Macek, LANL

3D Simulation Studies of the Two-Stream Instability in Intense Particle Beams Based on the Vlasov-Maxwell Equations
H. Qin, PPPL

Extreme Beams (EXTBEAM)

Production of High Brightness Proton Bunches
T. Roser, BNL

Progress Toward High Energy Electron Cooling
S. Nagaitsev, FNAL

Secondary Beam Factories (SECBEAM)

A Second Feasibility Study of a Muon Storage Ring Neutrino Factory
R. Palmer, BNL

Targets for High-Intensity Particle Production
T. Gabriel, ORNL

Closing Plenary (PLENCLOS)

Particle Physics - Future Directions
C. Quigg, FNAL

Nuclear Physics - Future Directions
W. Henning, GSI

Terascale Computing for 21st Century Accelerator Science and Technology
R. Ryne

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Last updated: March 28, 2001