[xxx] denotes the Discussion Leader


  • Applications of Microbeams [B.C. Larson]
    (Sunday PM)

Y. Li (UCSB)

Hard X-ray Microscopy using Bragg-Fresnel Optics

S. Pratt (ANL)

Microimaging and Microtomography of Environmental Samples

  • Charge, Spin and Orbital Ordering Studies with X-rays [Y.Murakami]
    (Monday AM)

C. Vettier (ESRF)

Resonant x-ray scattering from 3d transition metal oxides

L.D. Gibbs (BNL)

Spin, Charge and Orbital Ordering in CMR Compounds

L. Vasiliu-Doloc (NIST)

Charge Melting in CMR Oxides

  • Non-Linear Phenomena and Quantum Optics [G.K. Shenoy]
    (Monday PM)

J. Golovchenko (Harvard)

The Optics of X-rays Bound to Curved Surfaces

B. Adams (DESY)

Parametric Down Conversion of X-rays: Experimental Results and Possible Applications

E. Gluskin (APS)

Measurements of Second Degree Coherence in the X-ray Wavelength Range

  • Phase Problem Imaging and Applications of Coherence I [W.B. Yun]
    (Tuesday AM)

Q. Shen (CHESS)

Solving the Phase Problem using Reference Beam Diffraction

K.A. Nugent (U. of Melbourne)

Direct Approaches to the Imaging and Measurement of Phase

S. Fiedler (ESRF)

Medical Imaging with Synchrotron Radiation

  • Phase Problem, Imaging and Applications of Coherence II [I.K. Robinson]
    (Tuesday PM)

N. Bernhoeft (CENG/CEA)

Interplay of Coherence and Absorption Length Scales in Diffraction Phenomena

S.D. Kevan (U. of Oregon)

Fast Times at the ALS

  • Fluids [J. Als-Nielsen]
    (Wednesday AM)

P. Dutta (Northwestern U.)

Structure of Molecular Liquids Near Liquid-Solid Interfaces

M. Tolan (U. Kiel)

Ordering in Fluid Films

E. DiMasi (BNL)

Surface Induced Order in Liquid Metals and Alloys

  • Inelastic X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopy [P.M. Platzman]
    (Wednesday PM)

C.C. Kao (NSLS)

X-ray Spectroscopy of Solids under High Pressure

E. Isaacs (Bell Labs)

Probing the Nature of the Hydrogen Bond with X-rays

  • X-rays in Thin Films [A. Macrander]
    (Thursday AM)

M. Bedzyk (Northwestern U.)

X-ray Standing Wave Studies of Polarity Switching in Ferroelectric Thin Films

G. Srajer (ANL)

Magnetic Roughness Measurements

M.K. Sanyal (SAHA Inst)

Density Profiles of Langmuir-Blodgett Films

  • Diffuse Scattering [J.B. Hastings]
    (Thursday PM)

H. Reichert (MPI, Stuttgart)

Diffuse Scattering from Alloys: New Insights from Bulk, Surface and Time-Resolved X-ray Studies

M. Yoon (ORNL)

X-ray Studies of Liquid-Liquid Interfaces