Workshop Descriptions

Workshop 1
Workshop 2
Workshop 3
Workshop 4
Workshop 5
Workshop 6


Workshop 1: Introduction to the Advanced Photon Source
D. Mills, organizer

Wednesday, October 14, 1998, 1:30-5:00 pm

This workshop is designed to introduce new or inexperienced Users to the radiation properties and potential applications of the APS. The first lecture will provide an overview of the unique properties of synchrotron radiation at the APS. The remaining speakers will highlight a variety of different synchrotron radiation techniques and provide background information for other workshops at the meeting.

1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Radiation Properties of the APS (overview of accelerators, flux brilliance, BM and ID source properties, etc.)
   D. Mills, Argonne National Laboratory

Biological Studies with Synchrotron Radiation
   D. Thiel, Cornell University

Geological Studies with Synchrotron Radiation
   M. Rivers, The University of Chicago

Industrial Applications of Synchrotron Radiation (EXAFS, scattering, etc.)
   To be determined


Workshop 2: Structural and Functional Biology
C. Abad-Zapatero and G. Bunker, organizers

Wednesday, October 14, 1998 , 1:30-5:00 pm (Part 1)
Thursday, October 15, 1998, 8:30 am-noon (Part 2)

This workshop will highlight advances and opportunities in structural biology and biophysics at third-generation synchrotron sources. Techniques to be described include macromolecular crystallography, fiber diffraction, solution scattering, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, and various imaging methods.

Wednesday, October 14, 1998 Afternoon Session

1:30 - 5:00 p.m. Design Considerations and Performance of the Structural Biology Center Beamlines at the APS
      G. Rosenbaum, Argonne National Laboratory

Ultrafast MAD Data Collection on ID-19 at the APS
      M. Walsh, Argonne National Laboratory

Macromolecular Crystallography Experiments at the Structural Biology Center
      A. Joachimiak, Argonne National Laboratory

Design and Performance of BioCARS Beamlines
      W. Schildkamp, The University of Chicago

A Summary of the First Structural Results at BioCARS
      G. Navrokski, The University of Chicago

Structural Biology at DND-CAT
      A. Mondragon, Northwestern University

Thursay, October 15, Morning Session

8:30 - 12:00 noon

Biological and Medical Applications of Diffraction Enhanced Imaging
      D. Chapman, Illinois Institute of Technology

Biological Fiber Diffraction at the APS
      T. Irving, Illinois Institute of Technology

SAXS Studies of Conformational Changes and Aggregations of Proteins in Solution
      P. Thiyagarajan, Argonne National Laboratory

Structural Studies of Model Metalloprotein Maquettes Vectorially Oriented at a Soft-Interface
      K. Blasie, University of Pennsylvania

The Development of Multilayer Array Detector for Fluorescence Detection
      K. Zhang, Illinois Institute of Technology

Biological Applications of Microfocusing XAFS
      K. Kemner, Argonne National Laboratory


Workshop 3: Microbeams: Techniques and Applications
E. Isaacs, B. Lai, C. Safinya, and S. Pratt, organizers

Wednesday, October 14, 1998, 1:30-5:00 pm (Part 1)
Thursday, October 15, 1998, 8:30 am-noon (Part 2)

X-ray microscopy is emerging as one of the most useful and exciting research tools at third-generation synchrotron sources. This workshop will cover the range of microbeam techniques, including spectromicroscopy, microdiffraction, phase-contrast imaging, and ultra-small angle scattering.

Wednesday, October 14, 1998 Afternoon Session

1:30 - 5:00 p.m. Revolution in X-ray Microbeam Optics
      G. Ice, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Beamline Design and Optimization
      W. Yun, Advanced Light Source

Scientific Opportunities
      B. Lai, Advanced Photon Source

Applications in the Earth Sciences
      S. Sutton, The University of Chicago

Contaminant Metals Behavior in Biological/Environmental Systems
      D. Hunter, University of Georgia

Studying the Architecture of Prokaryotic Cells
      J. Trent, Argonne National Laboratory

Thursday, October 15, 1998 Morning Session

8:30 - 12:00 noon New Development and Applications at ESRF
      A. Snigirev, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

III-V Compound Bragg-Fresnel Optics
      Y. Li, University of California, Santa Barbara

Small-angle Scattering
      G. Wong, Univeristy of California, Santa Barbara

Applications at the ALS
      A. MacDowell, Advanced Light Source

From Electromigration to Plant Biology
      H. Solak, University of Wisconsin

Material Science
      J. Budai, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Workshop 4: Industrial R&D with Synchrotron Radiation
S. Wasserman, K. D'Amico, and R. Bubeck, organizers

Thursday, October 15, 1998, All Day

The results of a diverse array of User experiments will be presented to demonstrate the usefulness of methods such as diffraction, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, small-angle scattering, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, and imaging. A summary of recent advances in synchrotron research by industry at the APS will be provided.

Thursday, October 15, 1998 All Day Session

8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. A Critical Look at the Technological Impact of Synchrotron Radiation Research
      J. Stohr, IBM Almaden Research

Macromolecular Crystallography in the Biotechnology Industry: Past, Present, and Future
      C. Abad-Zapatero, Abbott Laboratories

Real-time X-ray Scattering Studies of the Deformation Process in Engineering Polymers
      R. Bubek, Dow Chemical Company

X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Catalyst Development: A Study of Pt-based Naphtha Reforming Catalysts
      G. Meitzner, Edge Analytical

Two Application of Synchrotron Radiation: Microdiffraction Studies of Laser Devices and Reflectivity from Thin SiO2 Films in Semiconductors
      K. Evans-Lutterodt, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies

DuPont's Investment in the APS: Better Rings for Better Things for Better Living
      J. Trent, Argonne National Laboratory

Contaminant Metals Behavior in Biological/Environmental Systems
      R. Harlow, E.I. DuPont de Nemours Company

DART: A Commerical Problem-solving Service Using Synchrotron Radiation
      S. Maginn, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center


Workshop 5: Microscale & Molecular Environmental Science
L. Soderholm and S. Sutton, organizers

Thursday, October 15, 1998, All Day

New opportunities in environmental science at molecular and micrometer length scales are opening up at the APS. Presentations will focus on results of experiments conducted at the APS using a variety of techniques such as x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, x-ray fluorescence, x-ray scattering, and tomography.

Call for Posters. In addition to a full day of oral presentations centered on experimental results obtained at the APS, poster contributions are strongly encouraged. The purpose of the poster session is to highlight recent exciting synchrotron experiments both at the APS and other light sources and to facilitate additional discussion on environmental science research topics. Posters contributed to the Users Meeting and specifically identified as being associated with this workshop will be grouped at the poster session.

Thursay, October 15, 1998 Morning Session

8:30 - 12:00 noon Techniques and Science
      S. Sutton, University of Chicago
     G. Brown, Stanford University

Grazing-incidence XAS Applications at GSECARS, and Recent Results for Fe3+ Sorption/Precipitation on Single Crustal Quartz Surfaces
      G. Waychunas, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Applications of Synchrotron X-ray Scattering and Standing Wave Methods at Mineral-fluid Interfaces
      N. Sturchio, Argonne National Laboratory

Measurement of Structure and Structural Change for Photochemical Systems in Non-crystalline Environments
D. Tiede, Argonne National Laboratory

Np Spectroelectrochemistry
      M. Antonio, Argonne National Laboratory

XAFS Studies of Hydration, Contact-ion Pair Formation, and Inorgancis Reactions Under Hydrothermal Conditions
      J. Fulton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Thursday, October 15, 1998 Afternoon Session

1:30 - 5:00 p.m. Transuranics in the Environment
      P. Bertsch, University of Georgia

Selenium and Cr Redox at Pond.Sediment Interfaces
      T. Tokunaga, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Microtomographic Imaging of Cation Separation within an Illinois Soil Subjected to Multiple Cycles of Wetting and Drying
      A. Smucker, Michigan State Univeristy

Microtomography Applied to Problems in Forest Science
      B. Illman, University of Wisconsin

Mircoimaging, Mircotomography, and Mircospectroscopy of Environmental Samples
      S. Pratt, Argonne National Laboratory

Workshop Wrap-up
      D. Sayers, North Carolina State University
      L. Soderholm, Argonne National Laboratory


Workshop 6: Optics Metrology and Fabrication Workshop for APS Users
A. Macrander, organizer

Thursday, October 15, 1998, 1:30-5:00 pm

Capabilities of the APS Optics Metrology and Fabrication (OFM) Group will be highlighted. Results of collaborations with Users will be presented in the areas of metrology, crystal fabrication and topography, thin-film deposition, and cooled-mirror design. In addition to a discussion of the ex-situ long trace profiler (LTP) that forms part of the metrology laboratory, there will be a discussion of the new in-situ LTP on Sector 2 of the SRI-CAT. Those who wish to see by means of examples what the OFM Group has already accomplished for Users and who want to be informed of both new and upgraded capabilities should attend. New capabilities for rotating-anode-based triple axis x-ray diffraction, x-ray-tube-based reflectometry, thin-film ellipsometry, polishing, monitoring of flatness as part the polishing process, and surface morphology analysis have been added in the last year.

1:30 - 5:00 p.m. OFM Group Overview
      A. Macrander, Argonne National Laboratory

LTP Evolution
      P. Takac, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Metrology Results for APS Mirrors
      Lahsen Assoufid, Argonne National Laboratory

In Situ LTP Results
      K. Randall, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies

Deposition Results for APS Users
      C. Liu, Argonne National Laboratory

Fabrication and Topography of Crystals for APS Users
      F. Krasnicki, Argonne National Laboratory

Cooled Mirror Designs for APS Beamlines
      A. Khounsary, Argonne National Laboratory