APSUO Steering Committee Elections

The bylaws of the Advanced Photon Source Users Organization (APSUO) specify that at each Users Meeting six members will be elected to the Steering Committee. Terms are for three-year periods unless extended to enable officers to fulfill their obligations of office. This year, five members will be retiring; Jon Tischler, the retiring Chair, will remain on the Steering Committee as an ex-officio member, and the term of Steven Dierker has been extended to enable him to complete his term of office as in-coming Chair.

Retiring Members:

Mark Sutton, McGill University (past Chair, ex officio)
Mark Beno, Argonne National Laboratory
Robert Bubeck, Dow Chemical Company
Lynda Soderholm, Argonne National Laboratory
Stephen Sutton, The University of Chicago


Continuing Members:

Steven Dierker, University of Michigan, (incoming Chair)
Jonathan Tischler, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (past Chair, ex officio)
Celerino Abad-Zapatero, Abbott Laboratories
Peter Eng, The University of Chicago
Randy Alkire, Argonne National Laboratory
Eric Isaacs, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Denis Keane, Northwestern University
George Srajer, Argonne National Laboratory

A nominating committee co-chaired by George Srajer and Eric Isaacs has slated 12 candidates to fill six positions. Biographies of the slated candidates will be placed in meeting packets, and voting will occur at the APSUO business meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 1998. (Only those present will be permitted to vote.) Nominations will also be accepted from the floor; the ballot cards will contain spaces to write in nominated candidates.

The 12 candidates slated to date are:

Mark Antonio, Argonne National Laboratory
Simon Bare, UOP Research Center
Dean Chapman, Ill. Institute of Technology
Paul Fenter, Argonne National Laboratory
Stephan Ginell, Argonne National Laboratory
Steve Heald, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Roger Leach, E. I. Dupont de Nemours & Company
Simon Mochrie, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Wilfried Schildkamp, The University of Chicago
Robert Suter, Carnegie Mellon University
John Widom, Northwestern University
Paul Zschack, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign