Overview of the Software Setup at the ESRF

B. Pulford
Experiments Division, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

We now have more than 5 years experience of the ESRF providing service to the scientific community. In this time we have made many mistakes and some considerable successes. The talk provides an overview of the current configuration of much of our software and hardware and will try to highlight both advantages and problems of the solutions used. Described will be such topics as the general stragegy of how data are analyzed with references to some of the applications used both written in house and by other institutes, mechanisms for their export, and how the dataflow seems to work generally. Briefly also I will discus the administrative process of how a User is introduced to the information systems and where this impacts of the whole of the experiment. In addition, in the light of the fact that we have just made a heavy investment in PCs both for offices and for the beamlines I will mention some of the plans for their incorporation into a coordinated computing environment.

Finally I will also touch on some of the successful collaborations resulting from NOBUGS I (hopefully with other particants).

(posted 21-Oct-97 jw)