An Example Dictionary to fit the NXDICT example

This is the dictionary data file belonging to the second example: writing data with the NXDICT-API.

# Dictionary File for Ray's example NeXus code
# Mark Koennecke, December 1997
tof = /Entry1,NXentry/Data1,NXdata/SDS time_of_flight \
       -type DFNT_FLOAT32 \
      -rank 1 -dim {1000} -attr {units,microseconds} -attr {axis,1}
phi = /Entry1,NXentry/Data1,NXdata/SDS phi \
      -type DFNT_FLOAT32 \
      -rank 1 -dim {50} \
      -attr {units,degrees} -attr {axis,2}
data = /Entry1,NXentry/Data1,NXdata/SDS counts -type DFNT_INT32 \
      -rank 2 -dim {50,1000} -attr {signal,1}

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 0.9.