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The Software Concept

SPECTRA is mostly run from menus, the command line or command files. But it is also available as a program library. User code may invoke operations in a way which is very similar to the command line interface. The function gra_command() receives a string which is build according to the command line syntax. It executes the command and returns the completion status. In addition there are query functions which return information from SPECTRA. On the other hand SPECTRA may invoke user code which has been written in a common language like C. This is accomplished by a standard interface to the user-functions.

If the on-line control program runs on a separate host, SPECTRA may be started in a server mode. In this mode SPECTRA accepts commands, executes them and replies with 'DONE', 'ERROR' or a value which has been queried. Any other output is suppressed.

These are the important features of SPECTRA:

Figure 1: The on-line display of EXAFS scans

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Thorsten Kracht
Fri Dec 5 14:38:01 MET 1997