Overview of the ESRF instrument control software

J. Klora
European Synchrotron Research Facility, Experiments Division

I want to give an overview of the current instrument control software structure at the ESRF. The ESRF is using a commercial package on all of its beam lines called SPEC (TM of Certified Scientific Software). At the ESRF much software has now been built around this package and it is in continious use on over 30 beam lines of all branches of Science. This talk will present this software and the possibilities of sharing it with others. The software falls into the following categories:
- display software (cameras, spectra, and multi channel analysers)
- graphical user interfaces GUI (special or general, special treatment of the communication interface between the command line driven program and the GUIs)
- on-line analysis packages (with image intensifier corrections as an example)
- low level device drivers (device servers)
Some software packages have been already been presented at previous NOBUGS meetings and for these a progress report will be given.

(posted 17-Oct-97 jw)