
Daresbury computing facility report

Steve Kinder
Daresbury Laboratory, Synchrotron Radiation Department

Daresbury Laboratory is a mature site with more than 25 years of experience in the production and exploitation of synchrotron radiation using the SRS. In this talk I will begin with a brief review of history and a description of the structure we have in place for the computing support of this important facility. The computing hardware on site is highly heterogeneous and a 'village' concept has evolved to support the requirements of the many different science projects. Having reviewed the structure I will then give a brief overview, with some highlights, of machine control, data acquisition and data analysis as developed at Daresbury. A mix of Unix, PC, VME and proprietary hardware systems provides data acquisition on a wide range of experimental stations. GUIs have been extensively developed using Motif with distributed client-server programming to support them (e.g. Non-Crystalline Diffraction, Protein Crystallography, X-Ray Spectroscopy). PC software based on DOS is now out-growing that platform and migrating to Windows with GUIs under development using Labwindows, visual Basic/C (e.g. X-Ray Diffraction). Staff at Daresbury support a wide range of data analysis packages (e.g. excurv, LAUE) and the lab also hosts a number of Collaborative Computational Projects (CCPs). Finally I will conclude with some description of projects in the pipeline and suggestions for further collaboration. A number of posters will support our presence at NOBUGS '97.
(posted 17-Oct-97 jw)