IDL Tutorial

F. Kelly and G. Schamp
Research Systems, Inc.

IDL is the ideal software for data analysis, visualization, and application development. IDL's features include: advanced image processing, interactive 2D and 3D graphics, volume visualization, integrated mathematics and statistics, flexible data I/O, a cross-platform GUI toolkit, and versatile program linking tools - all accessed via a fourth-generation programming language.

5.0 is the latest release of IDL, this release has brought new and exciting features and enhancements to IDL, during the technical presentation we would like to demonstrate and discuss the following:

IDE IDL Development Environment: New interface to the IDL command line. Includes tools for editing, debugging and log of IDL code. Both a description and demonstration will be discussed.

IDL Insight: GUI based application built in the IDL language which access the most commonly used functionality of IDL. Both a description and demonstration of Insight will be shown.

Object Graphics and Architecture: IDL 5.0 has a new language level which supports graphics accelerators (Open GL and Mesa 3D). Both a description and demonstration of the Object Language and the graphics functionality will be shown.

New Language Features: New data analysis, data reduction and modeling language features will be demonstrated and discussed.

(posted 25-Nov-97 jw)