Fifth International Workshop

on Accelerator Alignment

ANL/FNAL October 13 - 17, 1997

IWAA '97 logo


Instructions for the payment of registration fees

As described in the electronic registration form provided on the WWW we can not accept Credit Cards for the payment of the registration fee and payments by check have to be drawn on a US bank. However, it is also possible to use a wire transfer to the following account to submit your fee:

Lakeside Bank
Chicago, Illinois
Account Number: 105-001-900
Bank Transit Code: 071001504
For: Argonne National Laboratory

Please reference the following on the money transfer:

  1. IWAA97
  2. Your name or the name of the individual who is performing the transaction
  3. The cost code 04116-02-131 Please
add the cost for the wire transfer ($15) to your registration fee so that the IWAA97 budget is not impacted by these additional charges. The wire transfer cost are approximatelly $15.00. Using this method of payment you should submit $290.00 which then covers the transfer fees. Thank you for your consideration.

Questions with regard to the IWAA97 or suggestions for this WEB page can be directed to: