Instructions for Working Groups

The product of this Workshop is expected to be a comprehensive, authoritative report, which will be available on this Web site, as well as on CD-ROM. (No hard-copy version is planned.) This report will be prepared by the four Workshop organizers, using both the material provided by each speaker and that generated by each Working Group. Working Group reports will be used essentially as raw material and will be assimilated into the final report in summary form. Consequently, these reports may be prepared as an expanded outline, with key ideas developed. The outline should identify opportunities and challenges, as well as present the next steps to be taken.

The specific duties of Working Group Chairs are as follows:

  • Identify participants for the Working Group, either in advance by consulting the Workshop participant list on the Web site or at the beginning of the Workshop.
  • Organize the Working Group by framing the discussion. This can be done by holding a directed discussion and/or through talks by participants or the Co-chairs.
  • Keep the Working Group on track, recognizing that the primary purpose of the Group is exploration of new ideas.
  • Ensure that appropriate notes are taken to convey the sense of the discussions and contributions.
  • Provide the final Working Group report, as outlined above.