Workshop Descriptions


Workshop 1: Making and Using Very Small X-ray Beams
(G. Ice, organizer), April 15, 1997, 9:00 am-4:00 pm

The brilliance of third-generation synchrotron sources will extend many fields of synchrotron-radiation research to µ3 sample volumes. Indeed, intense micron-scale x-ray beams will be used for analysis of elemental composition, chemistry, atomic structure, microstructure, and defect distributions. In this workshop, recent progress in microbeam forming and microbeam applications will be discussed. Forming methods will include Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors, zone plates, Bragg-Fresnel optics, capillaries, and refractive lenses. Applications will include x-ray microfluoresence analysis, x-ray microstrain analysis, x-ray microdiffraction, and x-ray fluorescence microtomography.

Morning Session: Making Very Small X-ray Beams

8:30 am Coffee and Rolls
9:00 am Overview
   Gene Ice, ORNL
9:25 am Glass Capillary and Hard X-ray Zone Plate Optics
   Glass Capillary Optics: X-ray Beams below 0.1 µm dia.
      Don Bilderbach, Cornell University
9:50 am    Hard X-ray Zone Plates
      Wenbing Yun, APS
10:15 am Break
10:30 am KB Mirrors
KB Mirror Progress at the ALS
      Howard Padmore, ALS
10:55 am    CARS-CAT KB Mirror Bender
      Peter Eng, The University of Chicago
11:20 am Microfluorescence Analysis
   Micro EXAFS Using Capillaries
      Steve Heald, PNL
11:45 am    Elemental Mapping with X-ray Microbeams
     Mark Rivers, The University of Chicago
12:15 pm Break for No-Host Lunch and Discussion

Afternoon Session: Using Very Small X-ray Beams

1:35 pm Microdiffraction
   X-ray Microbeam Studies of Thermal and Electromigration Strain
   in Metallization Structures
      Ping-Chuang Wang, Columbia University
2:00 pm    Microdiffraction for Microelectronics
      Matthew Marcus, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
2:25 pm Break
2:40 pm    Strain Field Measurements at the APS
      Cai Zhong-Hou, APS
3:05 pm    3-D Microbeam Diffraction Tomography
      Stuart Stock, Georgia Institute of Technology
3:30 pm    Automated Indexing of Wide Band Pass Laue Images
      Jin-Seok Chung, ORNL
3:55 pm Closeout and Directions for Contributors

Workshop 2: Macromolecular Crystallography
(A. Howard, organizer), April 15, 1997, 9:00 am-4:00 pm

The Macromolecular Crystallography Workshop will provide an opportunity for experimenters to share information on biophysical techniques that are in use now or are anticipated for use at the APS. The workshop will comprise four sessions: two in the morning and two in the afternoon. The first session will provide updates on the beamline development projects in the five CATs that are doing research in structural biology: BioCARS-CAT, BioCAT, DND-CAT, IMCA-CAT, and SBC-CAT. The second session will cover optics and instrumentation on biological beamlines at the APS, including discussions of monochromator development, focusing, and beamline controls. The third session will be concerned with advances in experimental techniques at the APS and at similar facilities elsewhere, including sample cooling, multiwavelength anomalous diffraction, sub-microsecond Laue crystallography, and handling of biohazards. The final session will be an opportunity for users to present results of structural biology experiments performed on APS beamlines. Invited talks will be included in the first three sessions, but other submissions for talks are sought for all the sessions except the first. Please contact Andy Howard ( for more information.

Morning Session

9:00 am CAT Update
BioCARS-CAT Update
      Keith Moffat
   BioCAT Update
      Grant Bunker and Tom Irving
   DND-CAT Update
      Joe Calabrese
   IMCA-CAT Update
      Andy Howard
   SBC-CAT Update
      Ed Westbrook
10:15 am Break
10:45 am Optics and Beamline Instrumentation
Monochromator Engineering
      John Chrzas, IMCA-CAT
   Pixel Array Detector for Protein Crystallography
      Thomas Earnest, LBNL-MCF/ALS
   Focusing Optics
      Gerd Rosenbaum, SBC-CAT
11:45 am No-Host Lunch

Afternoon Session

1:35 pm Experimental Results
   Sample Decay during Experiments on a focused ID Beamline
      Steve Ginell, SBC-CAT
   Nanosecond Time-Resolved Macromolecular Crystallography:
   Photolysis of the Carbon Monoxide Complex of Myoglobin
      Vukica Srajer, BioCARS-CAT
   Miniaturized Kappa Goniometer
      Gerd Rosenbaum, SBC-CAT
2:15 pm Break
3:00 pm Data Management and Security
   General Discussion of Handling the Volume and Privacy of
   Macromolecular Crystallographic Data
      Thomas Earnest, LBNL-ALS; Andy Howard, IMCA-CAT;
      Mary Westbrook, ANL-ECT
4:00 pm Adjourn

Workshop 3: Surface, Interface, and Thin-Film X-ray Scattering
(M. Bedzyk, organizer), April 15, 1997, 9:00 am-noon

The workshop will concentrate on phenomenological descriptions of x-ray techniques used for studies of surfaces, interfaces, and thin films. Particular emphasis will be placed on describing what is to be gained with 2D-scattering, reflectivity, and standing wave experiments at third-generation SXR undulator beamlines.

Morning Session Only

9:00 am Surface X-ray Scattering Techniques for Single Crystal Surfaces and Interfaces
   Hoydoo You, MSD/ANL
9:40 am X-ray Reflectivity Techniques for Thin Film Interfaces and Multilayers
   Paul Miceli, University of Missouri
10:20 am Break
10:40 am Standing Waves and Reflectivity for Characterizing Heterostructures
   Steve Durbin, Purdue University
11:20 am Two Beam Diffraction Interference Method for 2D Crystallography
   Ron Pindak, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
12:00 pm Adjourn

Workshop 4: X-ray Scattering Spectroscopies
(E. Isaacs, organizer), April 15, 1997, 9:00 am-noon

State-of-the-art x-ray optics on high-brilliance synchrotron sources is opening a new frontier in the use of inelastic scattering to probe sub-eV excitations in simple and complex solids and liquids. The excitation energies of interest range from the milli-eV scales associated, for example, with vibrational modes in liquids, to fractions of an eV associated with the excitations of valence electrons in solids. This workshop will include discussions of the x-ray scattering probes, such as nuclear resonance and x-ray Raman scattering, appropriate for the different energy scales. In addition, the workshop will give an overview of some of the interesting excitations that are now becoming feasible to study at the high-brilliance sources.

Morning Session Only

9:00 am Is Ineleastic X-ray Scattering Too Late for 20th Century Condensed Matter Physics?
   Gabriel Aepplie, NEC Research
9:30 am Inelastic X-ray Scattering Capabilities of Third Generation Synchrotron Sources
   Sunil Sinha, APS
10:00 am Resonant and Non-Resonant Inelastic Scattering Studies of Electronic Excitations
   Chi-Chang Kao, NSLS, BNL
10:30 am Break
11:00 am X-ray Scattering from Phonons in Solid Heliums
   Ralph Simmons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
11:30 am Inelastic Scattering Spectroscopies - The Last Word
   Philip Platzman, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
12:00 pm Adjourn

Workshop 5: Introduction to the APS
(S. Sinha, organizer), April 15, 1997, 1:30-4:00 pm

This workshop is intended primarily for nonspecialists in synchrotron radiation, i.e., researchers who are interested in learning about the kinds of science they can pursue at the APS and about the unique capabilities of the facility. An overview lecture will describe the properties of APS radiation and present and future applications in areas such as microdiffraction, microscopy, magnetism, spectroscopy, diffraction, and inelastic scattering. Additional lectures will describe the use of the APS for some or all of the following: crystallography, industrial and environmental sciences, materials research, time-dependent scattering, and surface science.

Afternoon Session Only

1:30 pm Overview of Scientific Possibilities at the Advance Photon Source
   Sunil Sinha, APS
2:05 pm Structural Characterization of Industrially Relevant Materials Using
Synchrotron Radiation
   Richard Harlow, E.I. Dupont de Nemours
2:40 pm Break
3:10 pm Introduction to Time-Resolved X-ray Scattering Studies
   Mark Sutton, McGill University
3:45 pm Introduction to Biological Research Using Synchrotron Radiation
   Dan Thiel, Cornell University
4:00 pm Adjourn

Workshop 6: Time-Resolved X-ray Techniques
(S. Dierker, organizer), April 15, 1997, 1:00-4:00 pm

The enormous increase in brilliance of third-generation synchrotron sources, such as the APS, has dramatically increased capabilities for the extension of static x-ray techniques into the time domain. This workshop will explore recent developments in a variety of fields utilizing time-resolved x-ray scattering. Topics to be covered include x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy, time-resolved studies of material kinetics, the use of ultrafast lasers in pump-probe x-ray experiments, and ultrahigh time-resolution x-ray streak cameras.

Afternoon Session Only

1:00 pm time Resolved X-ray Diffraction from Laser Irradiated Crystals
   Jorgen Larsson, University of California at Berkeley
1:30 pm Femtosecond X-ray Streak Cameras
   Zenghu Chang, University of Michigan, Center for Ultrafast Optical Science
2:00 pm Equilibrium Dynamics of Block Copolymer Micelles via X-ray Intensity
Fluctuation Spectroscopy
   Alec Sandy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2:30 pm Break
3:00 pm Time-Resolved Crystallography
   Keith Moffat, The University of Chicago
3:30 pm Time-Resolved Experiments Using an X-ray Free Electron Laser
   John Arthur, SSRL/SLAC
4:00 pm Adjourn