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XVII Congress and General Assembly
International Union of Crystallography
Seattle, Washington, USA
August 8-17, 1996

The Congress will cover all aspects of the theory, instrumentation, and optics of X-ray, Neutron, Synchrotron and Electron Diffraction and their Application to Macromolecules, Drugs, Superconductors, Pore Frameworks, Ceramics, Electronic Materials, Fullerenes, Organic, Inorganic, and Mineral Structures, Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films, Fibers, Defect Structures, and more. Microsymposia will also cover the topics of Crystal Growth, Small Angle Scattering, High Temperature Studies, Topology, Databases, Teaching, the History of Crystallography, and Crystallography and Art. Over 3000 crystallographers from sixty-five countries are expected to attend the Congress.

Twenty four keynote lectures, 105 microsymposia, and a special series of lectures by nine Nobel Laureates on the Past, Present and Future of Crystallography will launch the second century of X-rays. Contributed papers for oral and poster presentation are welcome (abstract deadline February 15, 1996).

The latest information on all aspects of the Congress, including Keynote Speakers, Titles, Microsymposia Topics and Chairs, and Abstract and Registration Forms are available on the WWW at http://www.bmsc.washington.edu/iucr/. or contact the Secretariat, Marcia Vair at


    CGA 17
    c/o Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute
    73 High Street, Buffalo, New York 14203 USA
    FAX: (716) 852-4846
    e-mail: marcia@hwi.buffalo.edu

Titles of invited and contributed papers will be posted to the Web as they become available and all abstracts will eventually be placed on the WWW.