Meeting Announcement: Synchrotron Radiation Satellite Meeting, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, August 4-7, 1996


The Synchrotron Radiation Satellite meeting will cover a broad range of instrumentation and research applications related to the use of synchrotron radiation in crystallography. Particular attention will focus on the early results and potentials for new experiments created by the third-generation synchrotron radiation sources, two of which will be operational at the time of the meeting. Leading scientists in areas such as detector development, high-pressure research, time-resolved crystallography, macromolecular crystallography, and materials science wil give invited talks highlighting the developments in their fields. The program will consist of oral presentations, poster sessions, and a vendor exhibit.

Program Committee

Prof. A. Kvick, France

Dr. Y. Amemiya, Japan
Dr. D. Bilderback, USA
Prof. M. Colapietro, Italy
Dr. R. Feidenhans'l, Denmark
Dr. A. Fontaine, France
Dr. G. B. M. Hedman, USA
Dr. J. Hrdy, Czech Republic
Dr. K. K. Kannan, India
Prof. D. M. Kheiker, Russsia
Dr. G. K. Shenoy, USA
Dr. T. Ueki, Japan
Dr. K. D. Watenpaugh, USA
Dr. S. W. Wilkins, Australia

For registration information contact:

Susan H. Barr, APS User Office
Bldg. 401, B1154
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 So. Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60439 USA

Telephone: 708-252-5981
Fax: 708-252-9250

Request for Registration Package