Instructions to Authors for Preparation of Manuscripts for the 1996 Beam Instrumentation Workshop

General Information

The manuscript should be typed in English on one side of letter-size (8.5" x 11") white paper. Manuscripts for contributed papers should be no more than eight (8) pages in length; manuscripts for invited and tutorial papers should be no more than twenty (20) pages in length. Write page numbers on the bottom right-hand corner outside the page area; use a non-reproducible blue pencil, if possible.

For general formatting instructions and a sample paper, see the enclosed "Instructions for Preparation of Camera Ready Manuscripts" from AIP Press (paper copy was enclosed in the March 29th mailing to you).


Manuscripts are to be submitted to the BIW'96 Workshop Desk no later than 4:00 pm on Wednesday, May 8, 1996.

The following material must be submitted:


  1. two (2) camera-ready paper copies of the final paper--one original and one duplicate;


  2. a completed copy of the Manuscript Checklist;


  3. a completed AIP Transfer of Copyright Agreement;


  4. 3.5" high-density diskette(s) containing the electronic files of text and graphics; and


  5. clear, clean copies of all figures labeled with first author's name, abstract number, and figure number.


Please be sure to complete Part II of the Manuscript Checklist so we know what applications you used to create your paper. The electronic copies will be used to incorporate editorial changes, if necessary. Grammatical or typographical edits will be made at the editors' discretion; changes to technical content will be made only with concurrence of the author.


Acknowledgment of funding support should be indicated with an asterisk following the title and appear as a footnote on the first page.


Author Names

If a paper has several authors at different addresses, group the authors according to their institution and list them as: author names, institution, blank line, author names, institution, blank line, etc.


When preparing your illustrations, note that, unless you provide an electronic version we can use, any graphics on pages which have to be recreated will be scanned using a digital scanner. The scanner is extremely sensitive and reproduces all flaws (e.g., correction fluid, tape, smudges, dust). Maximum black-white contrast in your original figures is essential. Laser-generated graphics are acceptable only if the lettering and lines are dark enough and thick enough to reproduce clearly after reduction (see below). Fine lines in laser-generated graphics tend to disappear upon reduction, even if the original looks fine. Photocopies of artwork are not acceptable. Lettering and symbols cannot be handwritten. Avoid small open symbols that tend to fill up upon reduction. Place only one figure per page, if possible. Separate parts, if on one page, should be spaced 0.25 in. apart. All figure parts must be labeled (a), (b), etc.; these labels should be placed to the bottom left of the figure part. Make sure each figure is straight on the page.

Size and line weights. A good size for drawings is two or three times that desired for the printed figure, with all lettering and line thicknesses similarly enlarged. Lettering should be of a size so that, when reduced by 15%, the smallest lowercase letter will be at least 1.5 mm or 8 points in height. Avoid gross disparities in lettering size within one figure. Line weights should be consistent throughout the illustration. For the highest quality, line weights should fall between 0.007 and 0.010 in. (0.18 and 0.25 mm) after reduction. Remember that fine lines in laser-generated illustrations may disappear when reduced.

Resolution. Resolution applies to the device to which graphic files are sent for output. For line work, the ideal output should be 600 dpi (dots per inch); however, 300 dpi is acceptable. Photocopies of photographs or continuous-tone figures (i.e., any figures with "gray" areas) should be inserted into the camera-ready copy for positional information only. High-quality original halftones should be sent along with the camera-ready copy as part of the final package. Avoid glossy paper stock that is off-white, ivory, or colored, because contrast is lost in reproduction. The quality of the paper stock will also influence the detail of an illustration. A dull, textured paper stock will lose contrast and detail when reproduced.


Figure identification. Identify figures by first author's name, abstract number, and figure number. This information should be placed either on the front of the figure well outside the image area or on the back of the figure, again, well outside the figure area. Do not write on the back of the figure in the image area because the writing will be picked up by the scanner. If possible, use blue non-reproducible pencil.

Electronic Templates

We will have templates on the World Wide Web (WWW) in early April for two word processing applications: Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0 and LaTex. These versions are currently being tested and debugged. They can be accessed and downloaded from the BIW'96 home page (URL under Instructions to Authors. Further information can be obtained from Cathy Eyberger, telephone: (708) 252-7575, e-mail:

Did you remember to ...?

  1. Number all pages in sequence.


  2. Type references in the style described in the AIP "Instructions for Preparation of Camera Ready Manuscripts."


  3. Check that all tables and figures are referred to in the text and numbered sequentially. Check that each has a title or caption.


  4. Check that references are numbered sequentially throughout the text and that all references are cited in the reference list. Provide complete information for each reference.


  5. Submit:
    • two (2) camera-ready copies of the final paper--one original and one duplicate;


    • the Manuscript Checklist;


    • a completed AIP Transfer of Copyright Agreement;


    • high-density diskette(s) with electronic files of text and graphics; and


    • hard copies of graphics.

Please be sure to complete Part II of the Manuscript Checklist.