
Young's Modulus (E)
"Young's modulus or modulus of elaticity (and also elastic modulus) is a measure of the stiffness of a given material. It is defined as the limit for small strains of the rate of change of stress with strain."*

Values of Young's Modulus for different matierals

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Moment of Inertia (I)
"Moment of inertia quantifies the resistance of a physical object to angular acceleration. Moment of inertia is to rotational motion as mass is to linear motion."*

A list of formulas for calculating moment of inertia

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Total Length (L)
Total length is the overall length of the beam under consideration.

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Partial length (a)
Partial length (a) is the distance from one point of reference to another, usually being how far a force is applied from an end of the beam.

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Partial length (b)
Partial length (b) is the distance from one point of reference to another, usually being how wide of an area a force is being applied or the distance from a second end to the force being applied complimentarily with partial length (a).

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Point Load (P)
Point load (P) is a force applied at a single infinitismal point at a set distance from the ends of the beam.

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Uniform Distributed Load (q)
Uniform distributed load (q) is a force applied over an area, denoted by q which is force per unit length.

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Applied Moment (M#)
Applied moment (M) is a force couple that creates a torque, a twisting force, at a point along the beam.

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Maximum Deflection (y)
Maximum deflection (y) is the greatest distance the end of the beam could move up (+) or down (-) when a load of the specified magnitude is applied to the beam.

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End Slope (θx)
End slope (θ) is the angle that the beam makes at the end after it is deflected by the load.

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*Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.